You know the automobile though look like all-conquering, but it also like a person would get ill. We called it breakdown. The auto diagnostic tool is tool repair the car which goes wrong, example
This tool simply and easy to use, more and more popular with in the
world. The car owner might as well to try this way, so that get rid of
cost more in the road of driving to garage.
Till to the 20
century 40s, the auto diagnoses though had applied some simply device
but main still depended Autocom on the person's intuitive judgment and
examination. Star from the 50s, successively developed a number of
device could synthetically diagnose, thus lead to especial auto diagnostic
working section and diagnostic station be established. Japan, England,
America and other some counties even confirmed the institutions which
make the annual or fix period supervise and examination to automobile
and rule the detail inspection item and content. 70s midst period Autocom began
appear in succession the semi-automatic diagnostic system and
full-automatic diagnostic system. In the cars which equipped the
full-automatic diagnostic system have the center diagnostic plug base,
utilize the electronic computer control checkout gear and get the
checking data from inside automobile self-checking circuit to display
the estimate. This diagnostic way already enters the practical stage.
This whole Volvo Dice Vida and
technique developing brief introduction. We can clearly know that along
with the car became a widespread exist and even a necessary in the
life. Human already absolutely adapt to this world with developing
traffic and transportation.