
The taste of the time - "The Caravan Club" RV club was established a century

Imagine sophisticated people might laugh at the people who take the RV vacation, but in the past century, there are still diehard who crush this lifestyle, always love the RV life, ultimately they also receivedpeople praise.
   Half at home, half on the road, this vehicle is the RV, recently, Buckingham Palace has become room auto show field to celebrate the centenary of the founding of The Caravan Club "RV Club. Well, today, we in Pictures, you either love it or hate it "vacation ...

This is what is what? Early people are curious to see this "stuff"

Then how they get so much gasoline? Is it in order to disguise? (1943, southeast England Hertfordshire)

拖挂的礼堂,1937年的时髦。嗨,那人可不是Hyacinth Bucket(英国BBC电视剧《Keeping Up Appearances》中的女演员)

